The Rose Whisperer

Jerry Jiminez

My name is Jerry. I am a rosarian. What is a rosarian, you might ask? I am a rose whisperer - one who works and cares for roses. I take care of everything right from preparing the soil, planting, fertilizing, trimming, or pruning, treating them for things like black spot, which is a fungus. I help my clients enjoy the beauty of roses in their homes. I have been doing this for over six years now. I started out working as s seasonal worker for a small nursery in Broken Arrow.

Applicators License

The following season I obtained my tech license to spray. I began pruning and being one of the leading workers servicing clients. Before that time, I had never heard of a rosarian. I continued to service clients and decided to venture out on my own. I obtained my applicators license and license for my business: A Rose Whisperer, so I could keep doing what I have been doing for the last six years. I care about what I do and the people I serve.

People don't have roses because they have to have them. They enjoy the beauty of roses because they give them a pleasure to look at. They are some of the best people to work with and for.

After that position ended, I got a job that maintained rose beds. My job is to help with the clean-up by picking up clippings from the primary workers and fertilizing the roses.

I am really in the people-pleasing business. Once they see their roses take off, they have something in their yard that produces beautiful blooms. God gave us roses to enjoy.

I believe I have extensive knowledge of roses. I also refer to other types of works so that I can dedicate my energy specifically to all roses. I wish to be a true master in roses rather than stretching thin over all types of landscape work.

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